Do You Think Someone Like You Could Defeat The Demon Lord?
Alternative : 「お前ごときが魔王に勝てると思うな」と勇者パーティを追放されたので、王都で気ままに暮らしたい, 「お前ごときが魔王に勝てると思うな」とガチ勢に勇者パーティを追放されたので、王都で気ままに暮らしたい, 「就凭你也想打败魔王吗」被勇者一行所驱逐的少女要如何才能在王都过上自由的生活,
- Author(s) : Sunao Minakata, Kiki
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Jan-31-2025 18:01:24 PM
- Genres : Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Seinen, Slice of life, Yuri
Do You Think Someone Like You Could Defeat The Demon Lord? summary:
"...It's fine if I want to live."Flamme was chosen to join the hero's party even though all her stats were zero. The only thing she had was an ability with no known effects, "Inversion." It was completely worthless in combat, but even still, she wasn't discouraged and did whatever she could for the party. However, the famous genius sage Jean was unsympathetic and did whatever he could to drive her out, finally resorting to selling her into slavery.Even at the slave shop, Flamme was persecuted endlessly, finally being fed to horrific monsters just to serve as entertainment. However, when she picked up the "Cursed Greatsword" that was supposed to melt her body away, her life was quickly 'inverted.'The curse turned into a blessing, and her despair became inverted—this was the start of a dark fantasy interwoven between two young girls!
Maybe coming in the next issue
Do You Think Someone Like You Could Defeat The Demon Lord? Chapter 28
Do You Think Someone Like You Could Defeat The Demon Lord? Chapter 29
Do You Think Someone Like You Could Defeat The Demon Lord? Chapter 28
Do You Think Someone Like You Could Defeat The Demon Lord? Chapter 29
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