The Pizza Delivery Man And The Gold Palace
Alternative : Der Pizzalieferant und der Goldene Palast ; El Repartidor de Pizza y Gold Palace ; Pizza Delivery Guy and the Golden Palace ; Pizza Service au Gold Palace ; The Pizza Delivery Guy and the Golden Palace ; The World as Seen By The Pizza Delivery Man ; พนักงานส่งพิซซ่ากับโกลด์พาเลซ ; 披萨小哥与黄金宫 ; 披萨小哥与黄金屋 ; 披薩外送員與黃金宮 ; 피자배달부와 골드팰리스 ; 피자배달부와골드팰리스
- Author(s) :
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : May-22-2024 22:05:15 PM
- Genres :
The Pizza Delivery Man And The Gold Palace summary:
Woo-won is a pizza delivery guy down on his luck, and Seo-an is wealthy man suffering from panic attacks and social phobia. You wouldn’t think these two would have any reason to get to know one another, but one small kindness leads to a series of encounters that bring the two men closer together than either of them anticipated. Maybe they can find the solutions to their problems together…or perhaps they don’t need solutions, but simply each other. (Source: Lezhin US)
Maybe coming in the next issue
The Pizza Delivery Man And The Gold Palace Chapter 70
The Pizza Delivery Man And The Gold Palace Chapter 71
The Pizza Delivery Man And The Gold Palace Chapter 70
The Pizza Delivery Man And The Gold Palace Chapter 71
Chapter name
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